These White sage and Safari flower bundles are the perfect smudge blend to cleanse the area and the body of impurities and toxicity.
Safari Flower is a member of the rose family it symbolises beauty, change and transformation. Its the perfect herb to use to bring in new beginnings, self love, love and the transfiguration of the soul. While white sage is considered to be a highly protective and cleansing herb. Used for centuries by the native tribes of America to cleanse and purify the area of negativity, low vibrations and spirits of a insidious or malevolent nature. The two together create a powerful and enchanting blend.
Each smudge stick measures to 10cm.
Each stick is individually hand blessed to heal, cleanse and purify.
Before using this product open all the windows and doors in the property your based. Light the sage using a candle or lighter. As you walk around smudging the area visualise your intention pushing out the stagnant energy, banishing out the low vibrations and negative spirits.
Do not leave the windows closed in the area your smudging, if the smoke is trapped with no escape it cannot then pull out the energy as it leaves.
Full instructions will come printed with the product.
If you have any questions please contact us.
(Do not leave this product burning unattended, when burning hold over a heat proof surface)
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