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Workshops and Events

28/06/2024- 19:00-20:30. Pagan Meditation Class- Walking the Spiral Path- Celtic Labyrinth Meditation 

30/06/2024- 10:00-16:00. Magickal Herbalism; A Witches guide to Herb Craft

04/07/2024- 19:30-21;00. Open Coven- Working with the Ancestors

05/07/2024- 19:00-20:30. Pagan Meditation Class- The Mystic Aisle of Avalon

09/07/2024-24/09/07/2024 19:00-20:30.  12 Week Witchcraft Training 19:00-21:00

12/07/2024- 19:00-20:30. Pagan Meditation Class- Journey into the Otherworld

14/07/2024- 10:00- 14:00. Introduction to Ritual and Ceremonial Magick Workshop

18/07/2024- 19:30-21:00. Open Coven- Magickal Mindsets

19/07/2024- 19:00-20:30. Pagan Meditation Class- Spirits and Allies Meditation

26/07/2024- 19:00-20:30. Pagan Meditation Class- Tidal Meditation 

28/07/2024- 10:00- 13:00. Sigil and Magickal Construct Workshop

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